RSL-Classic in Reutlingen, Germany.RSL-Classic

Since 1987 we are specialist for classic cars in Reutlingen, Germany. We buy and sell classic cars, mainly from year of construction 1948 to - so named - youngtimers from 80th of last century.

We are prepared for your offer (suggestion of supply) for classic cars of all brands, if they have unique features.

On our German language pages we present our present offers ("Aktuelle Fahrzeugangebote"), as well as examples for already sold classic cars ("Bereits verkaufte Fahrzeuge").


RSL-Classic - garage for classic carsAnother focus of our business is our specialized garage for classic cars with customers from all regions of Germany, but also from foreign countries.


Please contact us via E-Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or by phone +49 7121 970 911


Thank you.

RSL Classic, ReutlingenRSL GmbH
Ferdinand-Lassalle-Str. 28
72770 Reutlingen / Germany
Tel. +49-7121-970911
Sie wollen uns besuchen undu unsere Fahrzeuge in der Ausstellung besichtigen? Dann bitten wir Sie um eine Terminvereinbarung.
Tel. 07121-970 911 oder 0163-356 911 0
Da wir öfters für unsere Kunden unterwegs sind, haben wir keine geregelten Öffnungszeiten.

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